Saturday, December 28, 2019
Module 6 Weather And Climate Changes - 1179 Words
Module 6: Weather and Climate Changes Students are to understand the four major greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere and perform two experiments to address the hydrologic, or water, cycle. One experiment requires 20 ml of 60  °C put into a sealed canning jar with a petri dish filled with ice on top; this experiment is used to visualize the water cycle. Then, for the second experiment, students are to construct two identical plastic bags, each filled with 200 ml of room temperature sand and 200 ml of room temperature water. One of these bags is to be exposed to sunlight for 12 hr and the other to the shade for the same amount of time; this experiment is used to visualize water infiltration and the hydrologic cycle. Greenhouse Gases There†¦show more content†¦When the water condenses enough to form larger droplets, these droplets overcame the water’s surface tension and dropped from the canning lid or flowed down the side of the jar in the form of precipitation and runoff. This portion of the cycle continued until the experiment was concluded at the 30-minute mark. The heating of the water definitely expedited the evaporation process of the water though; this was witnessed early in the experiment. Water droplets formed quickly when the water was hot, and near the end of the experiment, when the water was cooler, there was not a noticeable change in condensation. While witnessing this, it can be concluded that the cooler water will evaporate slower and hotter water will evaporate quicker. This can easily be tested by using cold water instead of the hot water that was required by the lab. Without a soil base, plant fauna, and a large enough area infiltration, groundwater flow, transpiration, and transportation were not witnessed in this experiment. To get a full spectrum of the water cycle, a large enclosed environment filled with a portion of soil would be needed. On one side of this container would have the soil and plants with a heat source above it. While on the other side, a large pool of water is placed with a large rock in the center. Above this side is a large cooling source. The water from the pool would infiltrateShow MoreRelatedThe Science Of The Module ( Climate Change ) Essay1248 Words  | 5 PagesWith regard to the topic of the module (climate change): 1. What is the science under discussion? (demonstrate an understanding of the science) The science under discussion is the study of climate change. This includes and is not limited to weather forecasting, ice drilling, temperature recording, climate change physics, theories of climate change, policies of climate change, CO2 reduction, renewable energy and more. This is the study of how greenhouse gases, such as Carbon dioxide, are affectingRead MoreThe Effects Of Climate Change On The Globe888 Words  | 4 Pagesso I began the research process questioning if we know enough about climate change to put geoengineering techniques into play. 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Friday, December 20, 2019
The Native American Ethnic Groups Of Today Essay - 1390 Words
The Native American ethnic groups of today, are nothing compared to their ancestors. The treatment, hostility, and silver tongues of the past damage can never be fixed no matter how many words, medals, promises, and gifts you give them. The late Native American culture and its ethnic groups have been unfairly mistreated and misrepresented with lies from propaganda, breach of treaties, and harsh antagonization from American business owners and regular people alike. These actions have put a horrendous reputation on the local native ethnic groups, from past to present, that some Americans may never understand. Native American tribes have been widely misrepresented in American propaganda as brutes, savages, pure beast of the forest, and nothing more than killers. The meaning of propaganda is truly defined as misleading information and or to lead on to another idea. With heavy misleading propaganda around the local colonies, one can only think that pure fear is rooted deep into the minds of the majority of citizens. Fear of raids, kidnapping, and slaughters of colonies; although most attacks on colonies are caused by the natives being attacked first or being taunted by the local hunting parties are entering sacred land. These out lashes increased the idealization that the propaganda and stories are true. There are also times when propaganda does not always show the beginning of the story massacres from Native American tribes do not happen for no reason. Stated by Oogway fromShow MoreRelatedDiversity And America’S Social Debt With Ethnic Minorities.1697 Words  | 7 PagesDiversity and America’s social debt with ethnic minorities The Fifth Amendment of the Bill of Rights (1791) included in the Constitution of the Unites States (US) declares that â€Å"No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.†Later, President Roosevelt during his campaign address of October 13, 1932, certainly stated that the â€Å"government is responsible for its citizens welfareRead MoreCultural Identity And Ethnic Identity1253 Words  | 6 Pagesor feeling of belonging. When thinking about a Native American understanding the racial and ethnic identity of an individual is important part of that individual. Racial and ethnic identity is a contribution to complete understanding the Native American. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
Leadership Development Program Components †
Question: Discuss about the Leadership Development Program Components. Answer: Introduction The report is prepared with the aim of establishing the leadership styles used by Michael. Michael is the chief technologist at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. The Royal Melbourne Hospital is one of the premier public hospitals in Victoria. The hospital has been in existence for more than 170 years and it has provided health care services to patients in Victoria and all across Australia (Mumford, 2010). The hospital is also one of the leading medical research institutions in Victoria. Michael has been a doctor at the hospital for more than eleven years. He has also worked in other private and public hospitals in different states in Australia. The experience that Michael possesses in both medical practice as well as hospital administration makes him a suitable candidate for this interview. By interviewing him,I shall be able to get important insights into the leadership style he applies in the administration of the big hospital. Interview questions are pre-prepared in order to help cond uct a structured interview. Michael narrates the experience he has been through during his career in the health sector. The leadership traits he has gained during this period have also been discussed in this report(Steinbrecher Bennett, 2014). The methodology used in this report is also discussed and the findings of the interview are also discussed in this report. Research on this subject is conducted using both primary and secondary sources of information. Primary data is collected through structured interviews which are carried out with the aim of determining to identify the leadership styles used in the management of Royal Melbourne Hospital. The interview also seeks to reveal the leadership style that Michael uses in managing the hospital and that which he has applied all along his career as a doctor. RMH has a very clear organizational structure. In the organizational hierarchy of the company, the chief medical technologist is in charge of all the technological machines and equipment used in the hospital(Hudak, Russell, Fung Rosenkrans, 2015). The person holding this position reports directly to the CEO of the hospital. The chief medical technologist at this facility is in charge of technological research and innovation (Van, 2008).The person holding this position is also in charge of the staff working in the technology department of the organization. The main mandate of the person leading the technology department of the hospital is to ensure that all medical machines and equipment are always functioning and are well maintained. They also ensure innovation and invention to help solve the various problems that are technologically related and to make medical practice easier and more efficient(Ahrens, Cox, Burris Dykes, 2015). This, therefore, means that a person in this department needs to lead by example. They need to come up with new ideas and new ways of doing things in order to inspire other employees to perform well. I wrote a letter to Dr. Michael requesting an interview. The letter indicated the exact date for that we wish to conduct the interview and the subject of the interview. I informed Michael that the aim of conducting the interview is to understand his style of leadership he uses in his leadership capacity at the hospital. Michael replied through a letter after one week and gave me an appointment for the interview after which I began preparing for the interview. In order to make sure that I achieve the objectives of the interview,I did thorough research to understand the various styles of leadership and how they apply in the healthcare sector. I designed appropriate questions in advance since this would also ensure that that the time allocated for the interview was well spent. I wanted to know at what time did Dr. Michael start his career in the medical profession. This would help me understand the level of experience that he possesses and the impact that it has on his leadership skills. This question can also help in understanding how he was able to climb up the ladder and reach such a senior leadership level. The other question asked in the interview was about his professional qualifications and his level of education. Professionalism and education are very important in shaping the leadership qualities of an individual(Davis, 2010). In order to understand how education has influenced the leadership of Michael,it is important to have an in-depth discussion of this issue. The other questions asked during the interview was on why he is passionate about medical technology and how he developed an interest in this very complicated subject of study. I was also interested in knowing his mentor and people who have had the greatest impact on his life and career. I n addition to this,the study aimed at understanding the kind of relationship he enjoys with his juniors. Heprefersgetting things done by rewarding people positively or is it by making instilling fear in people who work with him. I also sought to understand how he handles suggestions from his juniors and the amount of freedom the organization gives employees to experiment and come up with new inventions. In order to understand the leadership style used by Michael,it is important to understand the changes that he has brought to the hospital since joining the institution and during his tenure as the chief medical technologist. These questions together with many others helped in understanding the Michaels leadership skills and style and the impact they have on the healthcare sector(Maxwell, J., Overdrive Inc, 2007). From the analysis of the interview questions asked and the answers received. It is possible to identify the leadership traits and characteristics of Michael. Michael revealed during the interview that he has a bachelor`s degree in medicine and surgery. He reveals that after completing his degree, he proceeded to pursue another course in medical equipment engineering which took him four. The interview reveals that Michael has high energy levels(Mumford, Todd, Higgs McIntosh, 2017). He puts so many hours into his work without any additional pay. During the interview, I noticed that he was so focused on making sure that the operations of the hospital become very efficient due to continuous innovation from the employees working under him. It was discovered during the interview that Michael is emotionally stable. This leadership trait is very important since leadership involves dealing with human beings who have feelings and emotions. It is therefore very important for to understand the emotions of fellow employees so as to maximize their productivity . Maturity is very important in dealing with stress at the workplace since it helps a person to remain calm even in tough situations and hence help solve the problem. Dominance is the other leadership trait that Michael possesses . An effective leader is competitive and decisive. They enjoy overcoming obstacles and they always want to become the first. A dominant leader wants to become the best at all times and embraces teamwork("Leadership skills lead to a leap in medication reviews", 2009). Michael leads his team of professional in repairing the medical machines when they break down and this helps to save very many lives. Michael is also an enthusiastic and expressive leader. He believes that everything is possible and he believes in solving every kind of problem that may come his way.This leadership trait is so important because a leader needs to inspire their team management to achieve their objectives no matter how impossible or difficult it may seem(Peck, 2018). Based on the analysis of the interview conducted,it can be concluded that Michael is conscientious. This means that he has a sense of duty and he tends to be exacting in character. Leaders who are conscientious demand high levels of performance from both themselves and people they lead. This means that they always give their best and they tend to be self-disciplined and have self-drive. Michael is bold socially and tough-minded. He takes a risk and this helps in coming up with innovative ideas in the medical technology profession. He is capable of dealing with all types of characters without offending them while at the same time remaining focused. He is capable of influencing masses to follow him and therefore he is admired and liked by most of his juniors and co-workers(Collins, 2014).He is also practical and logical and is comfortable with criticism. He always believes in what he does and does not get swayed easily by people`s opinions. Michael is also self-assured and confident. This is very important in leadership since leaders face a lot of criticism and disapproval from different people in the course of their work(LorittsLoritts, 2008). Michael believes he is the best in his profession and does not get easily intimidated and he believes in winning always. Michael is also a charismatic leader. A person who is charismatic is able to arouse strong emotions in the people who follow them and define a vision which unites and excites them. This aspect of leadership is crucial in motivating employees to achieve a pre-determined target or objective.Michael is a leader who is solution oriented. He is always focused on solving problems that arise in the course of his work(Solansky, 2010). This is very important in the department that Michael heads since it is very crucial in making sure that the operations of the hospital run smoothly. Leadership traits of an individual play a very big role in determining the leadership style that a person uses. Every individual leader has personal traits that define how they lead the people following them. There are specific leadership characteristics which are important for a leader to be effective. Emotional stability is one leadership characteristic that is very is important for a leader to be composed emotionally and to avoid making decisions based on their emotions and feelings. This is critical since it ensures that a person is able to relate to people with different personalities and get along with them for the purpose of fulfilling the objectives of the organization. There are different factors that shape the leadership characteristics of an individual. Some of these factors include the upbringing of an individual, level of education, social bond and exposure. These factors combine to shape the personality of an individual to become a good leader. The experience that a person gains on the job is also crucial in understanding the behavior of other people and hence help to improve the interpersonal skills of a leader. Conclusion The report begins with the introduction f the person interviewed and the leadership position that the individual holds. Michael is the chief medical technologist at one of the biggest public hospitals in Victoria. The questions asked during the interview are highlighted in the report the report is prepared after an in-depth analysis of secondary literature as well as the information collected from the respondent. The report analyzes the leadership characteristics of Michael. Some of the leadership traits witnessed during the interview include emotional stability, dominance, enthusiasm, and conscientiousness. Michael is also bold-socially, self-assured and compulsive. References Ahrens, Cox, Burris, Dykes. (2015). Perceived Leadership Life Skills Developed Through Participation at the Arkansas FFA Leadership Conference: A Program Evaluation. Journal Of Leadership Education, 13(3). Buechley, S. (2016).Ambition: Leading with gratitude. Boise, Idaho: Elevate. Collins, J. (2014). Leadership qualities: Qualities of a good leader. Leipzig: Amazon. Davis, R. A. (2010). The Intangibles of Leadership: The 10 Qualities of Superior Executive Performance. Toronto: J. Wiley Sons Canada. Hudak, R., Russell, R., Fung, M., Rosenkrans, W. (2015).Federal Health Care Leadership Skills Required in the 21st Century.JournalOf Leadership Studies, 9(3), 8-22. Leadership skills lead to leap in medication reviews. (2009). Leadership In Health Services, 22(3). Maxwell, J., Overdrive Inc. (2007).The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader. S.I.New York: Thomas Nelson. Mumford, M., Todd, E., Higgs, C., McIntosh, T. (2017). Cognitive skills and leadership performance: The nine critical skills. The Leadership Quarterly, 28(1), 24-39. Mumford, M. (2010). Leadership 101. New York, NY: Springer. Loritts, C., Loritts, C. W. J. (2008).Leadership as an Identity: The Four Traits of Those Who Wield Lasting Influence. Chicago: Moody Publishers. Peck, A. (2018). Mapping Career-Ready Skills Through Student Leadership Programs. New Directions For Student Leadership, 2018(157), 71-83. Schafer, J. A. (2013). Effective leadership in policing: Successful traits and habits. Durham, N.C: Carolina Academic Press. Steinbrecher, S., Bennett, J. (2014).Heart-Centered Leadership: Lead Well, Live Well. Cork: BookBaby. Solansky, S. (2010). The evaluation of two key leadership development program components: Leadership skills assessment and leadership mentoring. The Leadership Quarterly, 21(4), 675-681. Mumford, M., Todd, E., Higgs, C., McIntosh, T. (2017). Cognitive skills and leadership performance: The nine critical skills. The Leadership Quarterly, 28(1), 24-39. Van, W. M. (2008). Leadership in public organizations: An introduction. Armonk, N.Y: M.E. Sharpe.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
National Building and Construction Committee †
Question: Discuss about the National Building and Construction Committee. Answer: Introduction: This project lies in class 3 under the classification of the buildings. According to NCC 2016 section 2, part 3 sub-section 2, the fire fighting equipment should be able to detect the fire and initiate fighting mechanism automatically. The requirement requires that at least the fire equipment should be able to recognise the fire and enhance a fighting mechanism. In addition, volume 1 of the NCC 2016 and part E1 can offer further guidelines and requirements of the firefighting equipment. According to this section, parts EP1.1, the critical element which must be considered in installing the fire equipment include the size of fire compartment, the consideration of the buildings and their use and lastly the.likelihood of fire hazard occurrence. These requirements are vital to ensure that the fire hazards are mitigated well. In addition, fire hydrants and fire hose rails need to be provided. According to NCC 2016, part E1.3 and E1.4, any building with a more than 500-meter square, these r equirements should be provided. In addition, the part E1.4 section g, the water supply is key to ensure that is provided. According to this part, a pump or water storage or both should be provided to enhance the firefighting. The requirement should be provided according to AS 2441. Firefighting mechanism must be provided in areas where water supply is not enough according to such sections. Additionally, portable fire fighting mechanism should be provided to the structure. In the requirement, a minimum of 2.5 kg in size of the firefighting equipment should be provided for this arrangement. According to NCC 2016, smoke detection should be provided on the structure according to section E2.2a of volume one of NCC. In addition, a smoke control zone of at least one should be provided on the basements according to clause 4 of the BCA. The basement must also be provided with a sprinkler system according to E1.5 section of the NCC. This section requires that a minimum of an alternative method should be provided for the fire detection on the areas. The clause 6 of the BCA should be used to provide the specification which can be used in the provision of sprinkler systems as indicated on AS 1670.1. The basement alternative will be able to five alternative option s to the firefighting mechanisms for fire incidents. Moreover, the sprinkler detectors should be provided at least 20 m apart from each other and also not more than 10 meters from the basement wall. The spacing requirements play a critical role in ensuring that the firefighting is enhanced well. Emergency and passenger lift has to be fitted on such structure. The lift requirement is found on table E3.6a of the NCC. This section gives the different types of lifts which can be fitted on different structures. First, the electric passenger lift has no limit to its application on different sections of this structure. In addition, low rise low-speed lift can be fitted on this structure. This is according to the requirement found on table E3.6b of the NCC section. The sizes of the lifts are provided on this table to enhance the operations of the structure. Emergency lighting, exit signs and warning systems NCC volume 1 part E4.2 can provide different specification and requirement of the emergency lighting on the different architecture. Passways and corridors of the structure must be provided with proper emergency lighting according to this section. Section C is able to provide additional information and requirement on the spacing of the emergency lighting. E4.6, of the NCC volume 1 provides that the exit signs should be readily apparent to people living the building. Exit signs should be provided in strategic places such as corridors will enhance the evacuation. Warning systems should be enhanced to improve the address for calamities whenever they occur (Australia 2009). Photoluminescent signs should all be provided according to specification on E4.8. The warning signs should also conform with section 6 of the BCA 2006. According to NCC volume 1, part F1 provides the requirement on stormwater disposal in order to limit the effect of water. According to this section, surface water which is resulting from an average recurrence of the interval of 20 years, must be disposed of in a way which limits the effects of the building and structure being put on the site. In addition, the disposal should also not bring nuisance on the available structures in the neighbourhood while disposing of (National Conference on Communications, 2016). Any disposal must be able to ensure the safety of other structures as well as on the locations where stormwater control is taking place. Good flow of the sewer is one of the critical requirements which are provided on the NCC to enhance sanitation on the ground floor. Part F2 of NCC has been able to provide that enough drainage on the sanitary facilities on ground floor must be provided. According to BCA, the minimum heights of buildings are provided on part F3. This part provides that the minimum height of kitchen, laundry and likes should not be less than 2.1 meters. Part F3.1a is able to provide these provisions for the rooms heights. A bedroom in sole occupancy should have a minimum of 2.4 meters according to part b of the above section. Lighting and Ventilation BCA part F4 is able to provide the different requirements on the ventilation and lighting. This section specifies that rooms such as a bath which is located on Unit 35 on the eighth floor should have artificial lighting according to FP4.2. Free flow and of natural air should be allowed and be maintained at such rooms like this one under consideration. This is according to FP4.4. Contaminated air should be withdrawn with proper mechanisms to control nuisance to other sections. F4.4 provides that natural ventilation which is in line with F4.6 should be provided in such rooms. According to BCA and NCC, the ceiling should be able to control the sound transmission from the room. The section on part F5 of the NCC provides that the ceiling should not emit the sound from within the room to the other locations. The sound control will control the pollution factor of noise. The part F5 can provide the critical insulation and transmission are provided for different parts. The thermal insulation of the roof provided is that F5.2. The roof should be able to absorb any nuisance from other regions and fail to emit them to the environment. References Australia. 2009. A report for government by the National Building and Construction Committee, 1999. Canberra: Dept. of Industry, Science and Resources. National Conference on Communications. 2016. 2016 Twenty Second National Conference on Communications (NCC): 4th-6th March 2016 : venue: IIT Guwahati Assam, 781039, India. National construction code. 2016. Volume 1, Section E, Part E1 sub-section E1.3 Clause (b) Sub-clause ii (B) National construction code. 2016. Volume 1, Section E, Part E1 sub-section E1.6 Clause (a) Sub-clause ii (B) Volume 1, Section E, Part E2 sub-section E1.3 Clause (2) Sub-clause ii (B) Volume 1, Section E, Part E2 sub-section E2.2 Clause (2) Sub-clause ii (B) Volume 1, Section E, Part E2 sub-section E3.6 Clause (1) Sub-clause ii (D) Volume 1, Section E, Part E2 sub-section E3.6 Clause (2) Sub-clause b (B) Volume 1, Section E, Part E4 sub-section E4.5 Clause (a) Sub-clause iii Volume 1, Section E, Part E4, Sub-section E4.8, Clause (b) Volume 1, Section E, Part F2 sub-section F2.1 Clause (1) Sub-clause i Volume 1, Section F, Part F1 sub-section F1.7 Clause (b) Sub-clause ii Volume 1, Section F, Part F3 sub-section F3.1 Clause (2) Sub-clause a (2) Volume 1, Section F, Part F4 sub-section F4.2 Clause (2) Sub-clause ii (B) Volume 1, Section F, Part F4 sub-section F4.4 Clause (A) Sub-clause ii (C) Volume 1, Section F, Part F5 sub-section F5.2 Clause (B) Sub-clause ii Volume 1, Section F, Part F5 sub-section F5.3 Clause (b) Sub-clause i
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