Saturday, August 31, 2019
Iago Literary Essay
Iago the Master of Manipulation Throughout the play Othello by William Shakespeare, Iago the antagonist develops a scheme to ruin Othello’s life, just because he didn’t get the position of lieutenant and uses people from Roderigo to Cassio to unfold his plans. Now, how can this villainous man manipulate people around him so well? Iago effectively manipulates Roderigo, Cassio and Othello by using Roderigo’s love for Desdemona, by implying to Cassio that he’s helping him for his interests when it’s actually the opposite, and by acting as an â€Å"honest†person in front of Othello to hide his true foul personality. SparkNoted Editors). Iago uses Roderigo’s â€Å"obsessive†love for Desdemona to manipulate him to help him and assures Roderigo he will help him attain Desdemona. (The Polymath). He then tries to comfort Roderigo when he finds out Desdemona is married to Othello by using the metaphor, â€Å"Our bodies are our gardens, to the which our wills are gardeners. †(I. iii. 319-320). Here Iago reacts to Roderigo wanting to commit suicide by telling him to take care of himself, and instead to try to win Desdemona with his money; but actually uses his money for his own plans and makes fun of him for being so naive. Thus do I make my fool my purse. †(I. iii. 315) and all this time poor Roderigo has been tricked by Iago from the beginning of the play to the end because Roderigo wanted Desdemona to such an extent. Iago tricked Cassio into thinking he was helping him for his benefit when all along it was only a part of Iago’s plan to ruin the bond between Othello and Desdemona. Iago himself caused trouble for Cassio and that leads to Cassio’s lieutenant position revoked, only to tell him to get help from Desdemona. Our Generals wife is now the General/Confess yourself freely to her. Importune her help to put you in your place again. †(II. iii. 293-298). Iago has many Asideâ⠂¬â„¢s in the play telling the audience of his plans. By making Cassio talk with Desdemona Iago plants suspicion into Othello to ruin his peace of mind. â€Å"Yet that I put the Moor at least into a jealousy so strong that judgement cannot cure/I’ll have our Micheal Cassio on the hip, abuse him to the Moor in the rank garb. †As Iago does this in several ccasions it’s all for his own benefit, â€Å"Make the Moor thank me, love me, and reward me for making him egregiously an ass and practising upon his peace and quiet even to madness. †(II. i. 294-305). Iago successfully ends a part of his plan by killing two birds with one stone, Roderigo and Cassio. â€Å"Now whether he kill Cassio, or Cassio him, or each do kill the other, every way makes my game. †(V. i. 12-14). Hence, Iago manipulates Cassio by implying he is helping him when it’s the opposite. To manipulate Othello, Iago acts as an honest and good person in front of Othello to hide his foul personality.Throughout the play, you hear Iago saying, â€Å"I hate the Moor†(I. iii. 361). He even tells Roderigo all his schemes. Through a Paradox Shakespeare reveals Iago’s true intentions. â€Å"In following him, I follow but myself. †(I. i. 58). again Iago only stays with Ohtello for his own benefit and he says his outward appearance is only to fool Othello so he doesn’t lose trust in Iago, â€Å"I am not what I am. †(I. i. 65); but interactions between Roderigo and Iago reveals a â€Å"streak of cowardice†in Iago as he tries so hard to hide his bad intentions from Othello he even kills own wife. SparkNotes Editors). Therefore Iago manipulates Othello by acting as an honest and good man to hide his true-foul personality. Iago, possibly the most â€Å"heinous villain†in Shakespeare lets his anger and jealousy overpower him and ruin Othello’s life with his manipulative skills. (SparkNotes Editors). Iago effectivel y manipulates Rodrigo by using his love for Desdemona, by implying to Cassio he’s helping him for his interests when its actually the opposite and by acting as an honest and good person in front of Othello to hide his true-foul personality.Work Cited The Polymath. Iago’s Manipulation on Roderigo in Othello. Yahoo! Voices. (2010): n. page. Web. 8 Jun. 2012. . SparkNotes Editors. SparkNotes on Othello. SparkNotes. com. SparkNotes LLC. 2002. Web. 8 Jun. 2012. Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Othello, The Moor of Venice. Massachusetts: Blaisdell Publishing Company, 1966. Print.
Friday, August 30, 2019
A Canary for One by Ernest Hemingway
A Canary for One by Ernest Hemingway The story under consideration is â€Å"A Canary for One†written by Ernest Hemingway. He was an American author and journalist. His economical and understated style had a strong influence on 20th-century fiction, while his life of adventure and his public image influenced later generations. Hemingway produced most of his work between the mid-1920s and the mid-1950s, and won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. He published seven novels, six short story collections, and two non-fiction works. Three novels, four collections of short stories, and three non-fiction works were published posthumously.Many of these are considered classics of American literature. Now I’d like to pass on the story. The title of the story is rather complex. On the one hand it is related to the present which the American lady intends to give to her daughter. And on the other hand it reveals the idea of the woman’s self-centeredness as she doesn’ t cope with her daughter’s feelings and implants her beliefs on the girl. Now I’d like to pass on the theme and ideas of the story. The leading theme of the story is connected with family relationships. There are several ideas in the story which help us to discover meaning of the story.Firstly, The American lady doesn’t even try to understand her daughter’s desire to marry the foreigner as for American women â€Å"Americans make best husbands†, she is too self-imposed. Secondly, the idea of semi-national marriage sounds absurdly, as the author shows us a perfect example of bad relationships between the American husband and wife, who are intended to divorce. Let me give you a brief summary, to reconstruct the events more accurately. It is the story of three people on a journey across Europe. A married couple shares a compartment with a woman who will be visiting her daughter. She is taking the daughter a canary.They are all Americans living in Europ e so their conversation soon becomes easy and revealing, turning to intimate topics, the kind of things one can comfortable confess to strangers on a train. The two women do most of the talking which is about the woman's daughter and the European man she's about to marry. The woman is against it and insists to take her daughter away as the American men are the best husbands, while the second woman’s American husband remains silent. After they arrive to their destination, all three part with each other. The plot of the story is given to engage the reader emotionally.The author sets up an external conflict between the American woman and her daughter. Moreover there is a conflict between values of the woman and the values of the couple. Speaking about the symbols in the novel I should say, that the main symbol is the canary. An amusing similarity begins to surface between the woman and her captive bird as she decidedly affirms disapproval of her daughter's ill-fated union. The b ird symbolizes both dependence of the woman of her beliefs and the daughter of her mother. As for discourse type it should be noted that the story is partly narration, partly description and partly dialogue.The special role is given to narration and dialogue, as through these discourse types that author reveals the atmosphere and the main ideas of the story. What is more it is written in first person perspective. The narrator is the husband but we can realize that only in the middle of the story. The author uses the indirect characterization. The protagonist of the story is the young man who despite being an American is characterized as an Englishman because of wearing braces and his English character which separates him from his wire and the women.The antagonist is the American woman, a middle-aged woman who is characterized with her deafness – not just the reluctance to her anybody else’s opinion but also a physical one. Setting creates a certain mood in the story. T he immediate setting is the compartment. It is extremely hot there â€Å"it was very hot in the train and it was very hot in the lit salon compartment†. The heat, smoke, dust create the sick atmosphere. Shades of grey, brown and black are predominant in the story: â€Å"dusty trees†, â€Å"brown wooden restaurant cars†, â€Å"long cement platform†.The story is written is formal language with infusions of informal one. There are constant repetitions of the word â€Å"American†in the text, which obviously gets a negative connotation here. To sum it up I can say that the story made a great impression on me. It is rather ironical and I am convinced that the ideas which are expressed in the story are very common nowadays. The national bias often mix up marriages. But we all are people and creating boundaries is incorrectly. Besides being deaf to other people’s beliefs and feelings is a straight way to rupture.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Discuss the treatment of women in Kate chopins The Story of an hour Research Paper - 1
Discuss the treatment of women in Kate chopins The Story of an hour and The Awakening - Research Paper Example This enables her to ‘paint a picture’ of life in that moment. By focusing on key elements of the environment in which the characters move and through special attention given to just how the story is to be told, she enables the audience to experience the constraining forces experienced by women of her time and why they would want to escape from it. These ideas are easily discovered in a comparison between Chopins short story â€Å"The Story of an Hour†and her novel Awakening as both women experience an awakening to their own inner nature. Awakening begins with consistent references to Edna Pontelliers position as part of the property held by her husband until the night she takes a liberating swim away from the life shes been trapped within. Her owned status is introduced on her first appearance at the beginning of the story in the way that her husband, Leonce Pontellier, addresses her as she returns from a swim. â€Å"’You are burnt beyond recognition,’ he added, looking at his wife as one looks at a valuable piece of personal property which has suffered some damage†(13). Vague ideas of independence and self-awareness plague Edna, slowly building through the action of the novel until they finally break free on the night of the beach party: â€Å"that night she was like the little tottering, stumbling, clutching child, who all of a sudden realizes its powers, and walks for the first time alone, boldly and with overconfidence. She could have shouted for joy. She did shout for joy, as with a sweep ing stroke or two she lifted her body to the surface of the water†(50). This experience of freedom is something most women didnt have a chance to know. According to one of the experts on womens conditions in that time period, â€Å"Woman †¦ was the hostage in the home†(Welter 21), subject to her husbands desires, vices,
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Introduction to business law Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Introduction to business law - Coursework Example It can be gleaned from the communications made by herein parties their intention to enter into a contract. Under s.64 of Restatement, acceptance given by telephone or other medium of substantially instantaneously two-way communication is governed by the principles applicable to acceptances where the parties are in the presence of each other. Hence, if Eddie had intended to revoke the contract, he should have manifested the same on Tuesday. In the case of Megalift v Terminals [2009] NSWSC 324, the court ruled that both parties were already in negotiation, discussing terms and details such as transportation and delivery. These conversations involved quotations and although no fixed price was agreed upon, it was nonetheless a contract, which was legally binding. Moreover, her Honour disregarded the quotation for the purpose of a budget only. This did not prevent the parties from contracting. Answer to question # 2. Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 (UCTA) places a number of restrictions on the contract terms businesses can agree to. Specifically, it lays down rules for the ways in which vendor businesses can use exclusion clauses to limit liability in certain areas. (Business Link, Buyers' terms and conditions and unfair contract terms). The business selling the goods or services isn't allowed to exclude liability for: death or injury - under any circumstances, losses caused by negligence - unless to do so is 'reasonable' and defective or poor quality goods - unless to do so is 'reasonable' (Ibid.) Liability for negligence that causes other types of damage are subjected to a test for â€Å"reasonableness†(Alistaire 2009, Exclusion clauses and unfair contract terms Part 2). S.2(1) of the UCTA states that â€Å"A person cannot by reference to any contract term or to a notice given to persons generally or to particular persons exclude or restrict his liability for death or personal injury resulting from negligence.†Under s2(1) no one acting in the cou rse of a business can exclude or restrict his liability in negligence for death or personal injury by means of a term in a contract or by way of notice (Law Teacher 2011, Exclusion and Limiting Clauses). Bambi cannot make reference to the notice on the desk that excludes or restricts its liability in case of claim for damages resulting from its negligence. UCTA is the main statutory provision, which regulates exclusion clauses and can either render a term effective, ineffective or subject to the test of reasonableness. It applies to business liability as between businesses or a business and a consumer. Therefore, if parties are not acting in the course of a business, say for example a contract between two private individuals, they can exclude liability. UCTA applies to exclusion clauses in the course of a business in three situations:1. Negligence 2. Consumer 3. Standard Term Contracts (Gillhams Lawyers 2008, Business and Commercial Contract Terms). Negligence is failure to use reas onable care. It is the doing of something which a reasonably prudent person would not do, or the failure to do something, which a reasonably prudent person would do under like circumstances. It is a departure from what an ordinary
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Contributions to Economics and Sociology Vilfredo Pareto Term Paper
Contributions to Economics and Sociology Vilfredo Pareto - Term Paper Example These observations are dispersed throughout the various works by Pareto. Trattato contains the essential features of the philosophy of science as expressed by Pareto.6 Throughout his work, Pareto applied his philosophy of science to develop theories and relate theories to facts. He used this to clearly explain the relationship between the dynamic and the static. He showed that though the static is only a phase, it is a necessary phase of the dynamic.7 The study of facts and consequent development of theories to explain these facts was his dominant occupation. The arguments presented in the Cours are illustrated using many statistical and historical references. In the later stages of his work, Pareto shifted his interest from analyzing statistical data to the analysis of sociological and historical phenomena. Pareto also did a critical examination of many of pseudo-scientific theories. In the Systemes socialistes, he subjects the logical inconsistencies of socialist economic theories such as the Marxist theory to a rigorous analysis. This is an illustration of the critical aspect of his work which is fully expressed in the Trattato. Pareto integrated economic theory into the social sciences. His main goal was to generalize the theory of general economic equilibrium by Walras so that it covers all the social sciences.8 He used the interdependence of social and economic phenomena as a guiding principle for his work. He believed that economic theory was part of a greater whole whose study was necessary, though not sufficient, in order to understand society. Pareto was the first scholar to clearly distinguish between the concepts of ordinal and cardinal utility by...The men that are primarily moved by this class of residues behave like Machiavelli's "foxes."23 They are capable of innovation, experimentation, and departure from common practice, but lack fidelity to uphold the principles and conservative virtues that can insure their stability...
Monday, August 26, 2019
Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Final - Essay Example There is very little explanation for the reader in this story, but the dialogue shows a failure to communicate between Frances and Michael. When Frances says â€Å"Some day †¦ you’re going to make a move†¦ aren’t you†(lines 245-249) and Michael answers first with silence and then with evasive words like â€Å"Maybe†¦How the hell do I know?†(lines 250-251) it is obvious that he does not love her in the exclusive and committed way that one would expect within a marriage. He seems ready to move on. Frances is upset, and crying, which shows that she is still learning to come to terms with the differences that are driving her and her husband apart. Frances, on the other hand, wants to have a romantic relationship like the ones we see in American films and novels. Her tears are evidence that she is sad and disappointed, and that she had wished for something better. This story illustrates how relationships often look happy and stable on the surfa ce, while underneath there may be big problems. Knowing how to face up to problems, and being able to state clearly what each person is looking for, is a key element in relationships. In Half and Half, Rose understands her predicament more clearly.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
The effect of electricity supply on Nigeria economy in Oyo state Dissertation
The effect of electricity supply on Nigeria economy in Oyo state - Dissertation Example This study has been made to find the answer to the following questions: How has monopolization in the power sector by the government affected the availability of electricity in the country? Has liberalization led to greater access to electricity at the commercial levels in the state? The Nigerian economy is a developing economy and a major portion of its gross domestic product is a contribution from the small enterprises operating indigenously. For big commercial purposes as well as for small-scale businesses in the modern day scenario electricity is indispensable. There is a unidirectional relationship between electricity consumption of a country and gross domestic product of that country. Nigeria has been plagued with perennial problems of energy crises for almost two decades now; problems are an erratic supply of electrical power is prominent among them. According to the reports published by the government of Nigeria, only 45 percent of the population in the country can consume el ectricity in their daily needs. Among them, a meager 25 percent are rural dwellers. There are vast potential for development in the country for growth in terms of setting up provisions of electricity. The rural states in the country, such as Oyo are yet to have enough access to electricity. This necessitates a study on electricity supply in the states in Nigeria. This study takes Oyo as a representative of the rural areas in the economy to conduct a research on this statement regarding the level of consumption of electricity by the country’s small businesses.... This study has been made to find answer to the following questions: How has monopolization in the power sector by the government affected availability of electricity in the country? Has liberalization led to greater access to electricity at the commercial levels in the state? Therefore the main research question can be stated as â€Å"How has the supply of electricity in Oyo State in Nigeria affected the small businesses in the state?†The study would be conducted following a guideline of certain specific objectives. These objectives would help the researcher concentrate on the aim of conducting the research thereby helping her to complete the research successfully. The research objectives are as mentioned below: To study the level of electricity supply in the rural areas in Nigeria To understand the extent to which commercial and industrial activities in these areas are dependent on electric power To study how modern policy changes have affected power supply in the rural area s in the country Project approach This section of this project is dedicated to present a summarized project plan. The aim of this project is to study a serious issue that has far reaching effects in the social, political and economic spheres in the country. However, this research work is constrained by several factors, such as time and resources, and therefore devising an appropriate project plan is very much necessary (Blackwell, n.d.). This plan sets the context of the research, the design of research and the methodology to be followed (Bangor University, 2013). The project plan is made taking into consideration the theme of the project and the competence of the researcher who is going to execute the relevant activities that the study would
Saturday, August 24, 2019
W.E.B. Du Bois - Returning Soldiers The Crisis (1919) Essay - 1
W.E.B. Du Bois - Returning Soldiers The Crisis (1919) - Essay Example Du Bois, did not attempt to take any particular side but his primary focus was on engaging in internationalism across boundaries between nations which he terms as ‘inter- nation’ (Du Bois) ‘Returning Soldiers’ by Du Bois, in ‘The Crisis’ (1919) was an outcry of all the struggles suffered by the thousands of black men who fought bravely in bitter resignation unto their last drop of blood for America, with a hope of a better tomorrow. In Du Bois’s words –‘We fought gladly†¦for America and her highest ideals, we fought in the far – off hope, for the dominant southern oligarchy entrenched in Washington.’ (Du Bois) However, they were disillusioned because unfortunately the circumstances did not change and the struggle continued relentlessly with the war claiming destruction to both life and property. Du Bois, accuses America of being vindictive in their approach which forced the blacks to retaliate and fight. In a backlash, Du Bois expresses his views in ‘The Crisis’ which came in for heavy criticism from all quarters, because he accused, the America they fought for, of gloating in lynching, disfranchising its own citizens, encouraging ignorance, stealing from them and insulting them. In argument about lynching that Du Bois speaks of, we understand that lynching was very much present then and it ceaselessly continues even today. He describes lynching in the following words – ‘Barbarism of a degree of contemptible nastiness unparalleled in human history.’ (Du Bois) Some examples of people who were victims of lynching are Rodney King, African Americans, Mexican and Asian immigrants, Oscar Grant and many others. The lynching that Du Bois speaks of, continues even today by punishing, torturing and killing vulnerable individuals who dare to raise their voice against them. Disfranchisement of its own citizens
Friday, August 23, 2019
Case study Gary hart Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Case study Gary hart - Assignment Example 12,000 incurred the first week Analysis of revenues Revenue per day: 75%*60*24=?1,080 Payment in cash per day: 50%*1,080=?540 Revenue per month: 1,080*24=?25,920 Revenue per quarter: 25,920*3=?77,760 50% of daily sales are credit sales payable four weeks later Assumptions 1. Gary purchases ingredients once every month. 2. Waiting staff salaries and social security costs are payable every month. a. Gary’s Restaurant Trading cash budget For the year ended December 31, XXXX Quarter total 1 2 3 4 ? ? ? ? ? Cash b/f 48,484 126,364 213,248 Add receipts Cash sales 38,880 38,880 38,880 38,880 155,520 Collection from credit sales 77,760 77,760 77,760 77,760 311,040 Total cash available (A) 116,640 165,124 243,004 329,888 854,656 Less disbursement Kitchen staff 14,300 14,300 14,300 14,300 57,200 Waiting staff 3,432 3,432 3,432 3,432 13,728 Social security costs 5,200 5,200 5,200 5,200 20,800 Utilities 0 2,600 2,600 2,600 7,800 Rent 30,000 10,000 0 0 40,000 Council tax 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 8,000 Advertizing 12,000 0 1,000 1,000 14,000 Cost of ingredients 1,224 1,224 1,224 1,224 4,896 Total (B) 68,156 38,756 29,756 29,756 166,424 Cash balance (A-B) 48,484 126,364 213,248 300,132 688,228 b. ... ? Assets Current assets Debtors 9,720 Prepaid council tax 2,000 Fixed assets 50,000 61,720 Liabilities Creditors 0 Utilities due 650 Capital 61,070 61,720 Assumptions 1. The restaurant will pay all bills as they fall due, therefore there will be no creditors. 2. Utilities will be due since they are paid for the at the beginning of the following quarter; therefore those falling due December will be paid for beginning of January the following financial year. 3. I approximated the value of the restaurant’s fixed assets to be ?50,000 by the end of the first year. d. Gary’s Restaurant Weekly cash budget For the first month of operation Week 1 2 3 4 ? ? ? ? Cash b/f (27,240) (24,000) (21,168) Add receipts Cash sales 3,240 3,240 3,240 3,240 Credit sales 3,240 Total cash available (A) 3,240 (24,000) (20,760) (14,688) Less disbursement Kitchen staff 4,766.67 Waiting staff 1,144 Social security costs 1,733.33 Rent 10,000 Council tax 2,000 Advertizing 12,000 Cost of ingredients 40 8 Total (B) 30,480 408 7,644 Cash balance (A-B) (27,240) (24,000) (21,168) (22,332) Assumptions 1. Ingredients are ordered for and delivered within the first week, whereas their payment is made in the third week. 2. Staff salaries and security costs are paid for in the fourth week, assumed to be the end of month. 3. Gary’s restaurant will begin its operations in January, hence being the first moth of the restaurant’s operations. Working cash is the amount of money required for day to day operations within a business. This is a business’ capital in liquid currency that is necessary for purchasing assets to be used by the business and meeting various obligations of the business. Working cash of a business can also refer to the ability of a business to meet its liabilities and expenses that
Corporate Social Responsibility (Gallaher Group PLC ) Essay
Corporate Social Responsibility (Gallaher Group PLC ) - Essay Example One year on, we are commencing an annual process of reporting. This report examines our activities during 2004 and highlights the steps we intend to take in the future. We also provide an update on how we are performing against targets set last year; how we are establishing new performance indicators, and explaining further what we are doing, as we strive for continual improvement in corporate responsibility. Tobacco, by its very nature, is a controversial business sector, and it is important that we continue to listen to the opinions of others and communicate with clarity. One of the areas that we recognise is of key importance is communication and engagement with all of those who interact with our business. Feedback on our approach to corporate responsibility confirms that this is an area where we should continue to focus attention and, in recognition of this, dialogue is a key theme throughout this report. I hope that you will find this report informative. We believe that good corporate responsibility is the hallmark of a successful organisation, and we very much welcome your views, (". ( What sector does the company appear under GALLAHER GROUP PLC' main purpose is to increase it cash inflow from its big clients (Tobacco sector) in the countries like Austria, Republic of Ireland, Sweden and the UK and capitalize its operations in international growth strategy (Thompson, 1999) through export opportunities such as investing money in acquiring other companies and also entering into joint ventures and business tie ups with businesses all over Europe, the CIS, Africa and the emerging Asian economic region. In the UK, Gallaher Group PLC wants to increase its market shares(Irwin, 2000) in the growing value cigarette sector within the United Kingdom by continuing increasing its leading positions in the premium cigarette and cigar market segment. Gallaher Group PLC also aims to attain its goal of equalizing its sales figure with its profit percentages gained on these volume sales.Gallaher Group PLC also plains to vigorously maintain its top market positions in Austria and the Republic of Ireland by continuing its management strategy of equalizing its sales volume with profit percentages. Gallaher will implement its plans to enter into uncharted territories especially in Central and Eastern Europe. Gallaher Group PLC is presently aiming to increase geometrically its regional market portion(Chisolm, 1981) in the Commonwealth of the Independent States while it is doubling its efforts to increase the proportion of its brands(Goldman, 1997) marketed in the higher priced and intermediate markets in this region. Gallaher Group PLC plans to also increase its market positions(Slavin, 1989) in Poland, the Baltics, Africa and the Asia Pacific region. Alongside with this plan, Gallaher Group PLC is currently fighting to maintain it present market share in Sweden's cigarette market by also implementing it company policy of balancing its volume sales and profit ratios. ( Aug, 2006) What macro
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Tears of the Tiger Essay Example for Free
Tears of the Tiger Essay In Sharon Draper’s novel Tears of a Tiger various character deal with a particular challenge or obstacle. Andy Jackson face conflicts with other individuals, their societies, and themselves. Andy conflict with his father shows through out the story and is consistent. Mr.Jackson pressures Andy way too much which leads to arguments between them. â€Å"You seem to be doin’ a fine job of dreamin’ my dreams and planning my future. Maybe I don’t wanna be accepted to white folks†(Andy Page 153). Mr.Jackson pressures Andy a lot with school and keeping his grades up, so Andy can get into college and work in business administration. Andy does not want to do that with his life, it’s not his dream but his father’s dream for him. Mr.Jackson want Andy to have a bright future but does not consider his son feeling or what he wants to do with his future. Andy and Mr. Jackson arguments come from exception his father has for him. Racism in this story plays a pretty big role, Andy puts up with his teachers being racist and also with society. Mr.Jackson tells Andy how society works â€Å" But you must, That’s the only way to make it in this world to assimilate into the society in which we live in that’s why you must pull up your grades and improve your attitude.†Mr.Jackson tells Andy that he must work hard in life to be accepted by white people. He said that how society works. Andy does not like what his father is saying to him because it doesn’t bother him that black people are unimportant to white people. Andy feels white people look down on like his teachers do. Depression is a really consistent conflicts that Andy tries to deal with but struggles with it. Andy’s depression takes over him, he could not control it anymore because he couldn’t get over the death of Rob. In Andy’s Poem he tell how he really feels inside. â€Å" it’s dark where I am and cannot find the light. There are shadows all around me and my heart is full of fright†. The poem shows the state of mind in which he’s in. He feel that he has no one. The aloneness comes from him losing his best friend. Andy can’t think straight because he is so depression he doesn’t know what to do anymore he think he has no one to talk to be he does not realise that so many people are trying to him throught thing but Andy just doesn’t see it . The Depression is what makes Andy struggle with life.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
An Over View Of The Restaurant Industry Marketing Essay
An Over View Of The Restaurant Industry Marketing Essay A food catering establishment known as a Restaurant offer food and drinks to the customer in return for money. Restaurants also offer take-out and delivery options. There are large variety of restaurants and restaurant chains in the world that specialize on the main chefs cuisines or specific service models. Modern age restaurants were established during the 18th century in Europe where the business is mainly serving of food as per the order given by the customer. The first restaurant was established in France in 1765 by the name Restaurant that offered soups to customers. It was opened by A. Boulanger, a soup vendor. The first luxury restaurant was opened in France by name La Grande Taverne de Londres in 1782. Paris was the cultural and commercial hub during the time of evolution of restaurants. There was demand from customers for individual tables, individual orders and flexible lunching times and payment based on the item ordered. The kind of menus also segmented the restaurant bu siness. The main advantage of restaurant pattern is that the restaurants can serve the customers what they want. Restaurants as we see in the present form have supposed to be originated during the time of French revolution. Both revolutionaries and counter revolutionaries were attracted to the restaurants. Revolutionaries claimed restaurants as a means for breaking the traditional common meals, while counter revolutionaries called restaurant lunching to be an uncivilized way of living. The system of printed menu appeared in 1770. Penalty was levied for guests stealing food from the hosts of the restaurants or hosts stealing food from the guests. The penalty for theft from a restaurant was 8 years of forced labor. The most famous restaurant in Paris during the 19 the century was Cafà © Anglais which served classic dishes like sole Duglere and potage Germiny. Many of the worlds finest chefs were from France including Georges Auguste Escoffier who organized kitchen teams consisting of trained experts. One of the worlds finest restaurants was established during the 20th century called Resturant de la Pyramide in Vienna. French restaurants today are usually in one among the three categories, the bistro and inexpensive establishment, a medium-priced restaurant and the classy and elegant ones. In other European countries, also restaurants emerged during the same time. IN Italy Botteghe originated in the 16 th century for serving coffee. Many Austrians had their own steady restaurants called Stambeissi. The casarda in Hungary limits to meat dishes and fish stews. The Weinstube in Germany had a large wine selection and weinhauss offered food and wine to the customers. The economic reasons for the development of restaurants were those associated with income growth, population and commerce. There are a large number of events throughout the year that can influence the business of the restaurants. Seasonal food and that made from local produce has a big trend in the restaurant business in Europe. Another trend is offering special food on special days for example, Mothers day, Valentines Day, etc. There has been special food offered even during the time of events like Wimbledon, Rugby or school holidays. Sundays are often the busiest days and Mondays and Tuesdays find very low business. There is an increase of 40% annual revenue during Christmas and New Year. Restaurants range from simple lunching spaces to costly establishments serving classy food and beverages served in a formal setting. Usually the orders are taken at the tables by the waiter where the customer sits and when the food is brought to the table when it is ready and customers pay the bill while leaving. There are restaurants which offer specific type of food such as seafood restaurants, vegetarian restaurants, etc. Restaurant guides help to rate the restaurant which provide information on customer opinions on the restaurants. The Michelin series of guides are used for rating the culinary skills of restaurants in Western Europe. A rating of 1 to 3 stars is provided and more the number of stars, higher are the price of the food. Another rating guide is the Gault Millau where the restaurants are ranked based on the quality of food, rather than the dà ©cor and the service. Here the restaurants are rated in a scale of 1 to 20 with 20 being the highest. These days, internet sites are available where the restaurant reviews are put up by customers. Chain restaurants offer a familiar menu and dà ©cor irrespective of its location. Earliest chain restaurants originated in Germany called automats. Restaurant chains account for nearly 14% of UKs total catering expenditures. According to Technonomics 2010, Leading 100 U.K Chain Restaurants report fast casual restaurants are growing at a faster rate than limited service restaurants. Food service industry continues to be growing with revenues on a fast growth track. LITERATURE REVIEW. Restaurants in Europe According to the Market Research firm Mintel UK restaurant market is more than  £ 25b a year. Standalone restaurants contribute around  £ 5.4b a year where as the fast-food restaurant sector accounts to  £ 6.7b a year. The U.K restaurant industry employees more than 5, 00,000 staff with over 5, 00,000 restaurants spread across Europe. According to the British Hospitality Association, 70% of the restaurants in Europe are owner operated contributing to a great share in Britains economy. Mc Donalds has the biggest presence in UK market with more than 1250 outlets in Europe. This is followed by Burger King, White Bread, and TGI Fridays. Further players include Garfunkels, Caffe UNO, Frankie Bennies brands. Food sales out-of home has grown to 84% since the last decade. In 2005, the out of home food consumption was 10.6% ahead of 2002 statistics. Statistics show that the leisure spending in eating out is more than in-home grocery bill in U.K. TOP 20 UK RESTAURANT GROUPS IN 2009 (by number of outlets) Owner 2009 outlets 2008 outlets Selected brands 1 Mitchells Butlers 775  728  Harvester, Toby, All Bar One, Vintage Inns 2 Gondola 585 575 PizzaExpress, Ask, Zizzi 3 Whitbread 372 398 Beefeater, Brewers Fayre, Table Table 4 Punch Taverns  362 344 (Spirit)  Chef Brewer, Two For One, Millers 5 The Restaurant Group  350  336  Frankie Bennys, Garfunkels, Chiquito 6 Tragus  270  267  Cafà ©Ã‚ Rouge, Bella Italia, Strada 7 Nandos  213  190  Nandos 8 Bay Restaurant Group 190  381  La Tasca, Slug Lettuce, haha Grill 9 Little Chef  180  179  Little Chef 10 Famous Brands  176  178 Wimpy 11 Greene King 155  238  Hungry Horse, Loch Fyne 12 Prezzo 141 135  Prezzo, Ultimate Burger, iMMO 13 Clapham House 79  74  Gourmet Burger Kitchen, The Real Greek 14 Paramount Restaurants 75 75  Chez Gerard, Caffà ¨Ã‚ Uno  15 Town Centre Restaurants 57 58 Auberge, Cafà ©Ã‚ Giardino, Azzurro 16 Wagamama 56 59 Wagamama 17 Ispani Family 55 Pontis, Caffe Alba 18 Carluccios  42  39  Carluccios 19 YO! Sushi  41  33  YO! Sushi 20 Orchid Pubs 40 44  Oriental Restaurant Group, Contemporary Carvery 21 Individual Restaurant Group 34 30 Piccolino, Zinc, Bank 22 Regent Inns*  31  Old Orleans Note: UK outlets only. Includes pubs whose food sales exceed 50% of turnover * Regent Inns went into administration in October 2009 Source: Horizon FS Restaurant Brands Branded restaurant chains are now on an increasing demand with more and more people enjoying the experience. The growth of branded food service and restaurant chains have been a significant feature of the growing market. Along with international brand names like subway and Mc Donalds there have been new home grown brands also such as Cafà © Rouge, Wagamama, Nandos, Cafà © Nero, Loch Fyne,La Tasca, etc. All these businesses continue to expand with increase in external funding from both private equity and public markets. According to the Peach Factory research in 2007, casual dining restaurants are top choice in London, where 72% of Londoners visit a casual dining restaurant at least once in every three months and 31% going atleast two times in a month. According to MC Report of February 2010, Pizz Express tops the top 20 brands in UK. The drivers of the brand value are three fold: estimate of the current and future earning of a specific brand, based on publicly available revenue, capital and profit numbers. The remaining top 10 included Frankie Bennys, Wagamama, Zizi, Ask, Bella Italia, Cafà © Rouge and Loch Fyne. Greater consumer demands are putting much pressure on chain restaurants to distinguish their products from others. Restaurant brands have a clear brand strageywhich requires attention, consistency and respect once executed. Brands are usually born from a single persons vision with the only motive to provide new experiences to the customers. For a restaurant brand to succeed its products and services should keep up the promises made through ads and communications. Once the trust of customers has been established existing customers will return to the same brand. Strongest performing restaurants generate more than 70% from repeat business. Restaurant executives use satisfaction and loyalty measures to assess the brand image. Other use brand awareness scores. Another approach is creating a perpetual map of a particular vertical market. The consumers may also be asked the restaurant usage habits like frequency, occasion and brand selection. The may also be asked to evaluate both physical and attitudinal characteristics like lighting, food quality, pricing, etc. It is also important to gather a lot of attributes rather than focusing on very few. The customers should then evaluate the attributes. Consumers can be given an option to choose between two restaurant brands, which is good when the attributes do not capture all aspects. According to Aaker (1997), brand personality can be defined as the set of human characteristics associated with a brand. Branding helps in creating a difference. It differentiates the product from just being one commodity against many identical commodities. People are generally willing to pay more for a branded product than for a largely unbranded product. It helps in creating a connection with people. Brand Challenges for 2010 Discount Vouchers: there will be an increase of 50% in the use of promotional vouchers by diners. This can affect the brand equity and pricing resulting in a lower shareholder value. Inconsistent Delivery: Rapid growth of brands has caused inconsistent delivery. National Local: Brands need to adapt to the local demands Healthy tasty: The consumers are more health conscious which forces brands to create healthy foods. Characteristics of Leading U.K. brands Following are the characteristics of the leading brands that contribute to the current and Future Success. Embedded strategy: A clearly defined strategy, well communicated, understood and performed by all employees, partners, suppliers and investors with main motive being the customer benefit. Consistency throughout all operations: 70% of the profit is contributed through repeat customers. This can be ensured by ensuring the promised services. Culture: A unique and strong organizational culture that holds all the stakeholders together and work towards a common goal Commitment to innovation: Consistently offering new services and products motivates the customer for more purchase. True people organization: An organization which takes care of the employees always gains customer satisfaction and loyalty Ongoing measurement: Measuring the performance through a balanced scorecard approach help analyze the drawbacks and make improvements Changing consumer interests Travelling and eating out are going to be the two leisure-spending activities by the British. Richest 20% spend significantly by eating out. The biggest spenders in eating out are adults in no children households. There is increased consumer emphasis on health, freshness, provenness, authencity and environmental friendly products. Food retailing and out of home market are definitely to benefit. Over half of the Britons want locally produced food and 53% feel that there should be more UK production. There has been a rise in New Puritans interested in health and lifestyle who advise others what to be done and what not to be done. Consumers want better quality, better service and less expensive items which has been reflected in UK casual dining scenario. People under 24 are the heaviest users of casual dining restaurants. The change in the demographics, economic growth, have-it-all society and experience economy all influence the casual dining out market. According to Peach factory repo rt 66% of the adults felt that the restaurants should be doing more to improve eating out experience. The quality of food, the type of service, food and the value for money are the main factors influencing the eating-out market. Women feel healthier eating options are more important. Food, service and value remain the key market drivers to the demanding consumers. Consumers say that most of them want cleaner restaurants efficient service, low prices and friendlier service. Younger customers are more interested in lower prices. Healthy food options and environmental concerns though not vital, but cannot be ignored. Public generally likes and understands branded chains General Classification of Restaurants Bistros -Bistros are relaxed and informal restaurants with 60 seats or less offering French food. Brasseries- These are large bustling restaurants with flexible dining experience. They often serve French food. Chinese food- In Chinese restaurants one can get dishes such as Beijing duck, Shanghai noodles, Sichuan soup and Guangdong dumplings. Country House hotels- Restaurants in British country side where ancestral homes are converted to restaurants. Fine Dining-restaurants with fine luxurious surroundings with linen covered tables and high quality tableware. Gastropubs- Restaurants in public house or coaching inn. They display huge British accent to the menu, but will also serve French cuisine Greek restaurants- Food is prepared using olive oil, grains and bread, wine fish and various meats. These are all complemented by wines or anise flavored liquors. Indian restaurant- Here food is characterized by herbs, spices and vegetables from India. International restaurant- Serves a wide variety of dishes representing different cultures. Italian restaurants -Serves Italian cuisine Japanese cuisines- The Japanese food is recognized as worlds healthiest food, low in cholesterol fat and high in fibre Malaysian Restaurants- Offer culinary diversity with fresh aromatic herbs and roots, lemon grass, ginger, garlic, shallots, kaffirlime and chilies. Modern British- Services quality dishes using local produce. Modern European- Seasonal style of cooking incorporating Mediterranean influences and ingredients Modern Scottish- Has both traditional and Scottish dishes along with international food. Seafood restaurants- Restaurants servicing fish and sea food Thai- the cuisine is spicy and served with strong aromatic ingredients Vegetarian restaurants- Food served without meat and fish Some of the brands in U.K are classified based on the brands owned by celebrity chefs and brands that propagate certain ideas. Jamies Italian by Chef Jamie Oliver, Rick Steins Padstow, Delia Smiths Delias Restaurant and Bar, Chef Heston Blumenthals Fat Duck, Antony Worall Thompsons The Grey Hound, Gordon Ramsay Holdings, Gary Rhodes W1 restaurant are some of the restaurant brands opened by celebrity chefs. Gordon Ramsay Brand Gordon Ramsay brands are one of the most celebrated restaurant brands throughout the globe. Most of the Gordon Ramsay brands are in United Kingdom, a few in America, Tokyo and Dubai. Gordon Ramsays restaurants are well known for its services and the great food. His restaurants have been awarded 3 Michelin stars and he himself has been awarded 10 Michelin stars. The Gordon Ramsay restaurants in U.K are Restaurant Gordon Ramsay, Petrus, Gordon Ramsay at Claridges, Angella Hartnet at the Connaught, The Savoy grill, Banquet, Boxwood cafà ©, Maze, La Noisette. Gordon Ramsay restaurants offer a mix of French, European, American and Asian cuisines. In 1998 Ramsay quit Aubergine restaurant which he co-owned with A-Z restaurants. He won Aubergine restaurant three Michelin stars. In 1991 he opened the Petrus restaurant in London which later won a Michelin star. Amaryllis in Glasgows One Devonshire Gardens hotel was opened by Gordon Ramsay Holdings in April 2001, which was awarded a Michelin star in January 2002. In October 2001 the group opened Gordon Ramsay at Claridge and won a Michlen star in 2001 for London restaurant. In October 2002, the food and beverages operation at Londons Connaught hotel was taken over by Gordon Ramsay Holdings. In May 2003, Wareing took over Savoy Grill. Ramsay opened the Boxwood Cafà © in Berkeley Hotel. In December 2003 Wareing moves Petrus into the Berkeley. In December 2003, Wareing opened theBaquette above Savoy Grill. In May 2005, Gordon Ramsay Holding has opened Maze at the London Mariott Hotel Grosvenor Square in London. The total number of staff in Gordon Holdings is more than 900. Tragus Holdings Tragus Holdings is one of UKs largest independent restaurant operators. It serves more than 12 million meals each year with 160 mid- market restaurants. The company was formed in 2002, through the  £25m acquisition of the Pelican Group and Bright Reasons Group from Whitbread. The key brands are Cafà © Rouge, Strada and Bella Italia. Other brands include Mama Amalfi, Amalfi, Abbaye, Oriel, Leadenhall Wine and Tapas bar. The company rolled out Huxleys Bar and Kitchen at Heathrow. The company is backed by Blackstone Group private firm. In May 2010, the group opened 15 new sites across three key brands and plans to open around 20 new sites in the current financial year. The group considers the expansion of the brands as the key to profitability. Tragus wants to ensure the quality of the sites to ensure its brand image. Tragus found the recession period challenging due to the poor economic conditions and the poor consumer spend. There have been a strong promotional activity along with the quality of service which contributed to the growth of the brand. Tragus employs 7300 people and has an equal opportunities policy. Tragus invests a considerable amount in training and they have their own in-house training department. Trags encourages feedback on the menus from customers as well as from nutrition experts. The organization promotes healthy eating habits in joint with other industry players which cover procurement kitchen practices, menu planning and information. They provide nutritional information including calorific content to the customers. Trends A key trend for restaurateurs is the availability of external funding in the shape of venture capital firms resulting in large number of mergers and acquisitions, but at the same time there are plenty of opportunities for independent operators. The industry has to satisfy the increasing demand due to dual income households, increased number of working women, rise in the number of old consumers. London, Manchester, Birmingham, Bristol are the some of the hubs of the UK market scene. Future Prospects The restaurateurs are forced at increasing the levels of service, especially outside London. There is a prospect for increased market segmentation because of mergers and acquisitions. The main challenges going forward will be satisfying the changing consumer tastes and expectations. Consumers want cleaner restaurants, efficient and friendlier service, and low prices. Women opt for cleaner restaurants than men do. For the UK restaurant industry, understanding what the consumer wants and then delivering it is the biggest challenge with more attraction towards branded chains. Methodology The two brands Gordon Ramsay and Tragus have been considered for our analysis here. A questionnaire was created to estimate the brand awareness, the brand personality affecting the customer perception, major factors affecting the brand personality and the impact of these brands as a marketing tool for business. A simple random sample of customers of both brands was selected to whom the questionnaire was circulated. The various factors have been discussed in the analysis given below. ANALYSIS. (The below analysis of the comparison of the Gordon Ramsay brand and the Tragus group based on customer feedback. The questions and the feedback of the customers are discussed below.) What is the main problem you faced at a) Gordon Ramsay b) Tragus? For Gordon Ramsay Holdings 45% of the respondents mentioned, other problems that they faced while using the services. 43% of the respondents found no problems with the service of Tragus. Which area do you think needs most improvement? The responses are as shown above. Majority of the customers have demanded for more variety for Gordon Ramsay brand. For Tragus, most customers demanded for low prices. What do you think the Unique selling Proposition of a) Gordon Ramsay b) Tragus? 26% of the respondents chose food as the Unique selling Proposition of Tragus Brand and for Gordon Ramsay; majority has chosen others, which is the chef himself as the brand image. How do you compare the services at Gordon Ramsay with Tragus? The respondents were asked to compare the services at Tragus and Gordon Ramsay. It can be seen that quality of food almost tops for both the groups. What in Gordon Ramsay brand attracts you more? The respondents were asked to choose the service that attracted more in the Gordon Ramsay brand. 6Which brand of Tragus attracts you more? The respondents were asked to choose the popular brands within the Tragus brand. It was found that Bella Italia was most popular among the customers. Do you think Gordon Ramsays personality has an impact on Gordon Ramsay restaurant brand? 68% of the respondents feel that the chef Gordon Ramsay has a direct influence on the brands image. Do you think brand name prompts you to go to Tragus? 54% of the respondents feel that the name Tragus prompts them to go to the restaurant. It is evident that the brand name has a direct impact on the minds of people. DISCUSSION Gordon Ramsay- The brand value Chef Gordon Ramsay is the force behind the 28 restaurants belonging to Gordon Ramsay Holdings. The Gordon Ramsay Holdings reported a pre-tax loss of  £4.3 million in 2008. He has published a vast array of cookery books and owns a catering school. Though the company has suffered in the recession hit economic climate and by the negative publicity about Ramsays public affairs Gordon Ramsay Holdings appear to be resilient and has reinforced a successful risk mitigation strategy. GRH had diversified the risk and helped to secure income streams through the opening of three pubs and several mid-priced maze grills. The organization forged strong partnership with a private equity firm in the global hotel and catering industry called Blackstone group. The critical element of GRHs internationalization is Ramsays television career since 2004 that has popularized the chef and the brand throughout the world. The passionate and aggressive leadership style in these shows gives the Gordon Ramsay br and a competitive advantage which represents the over all DNA of the group. Ramsay has been quick to find and nurture talent throughout his shows and this skill has proved to be the core capability of GRH. The sense of teambuilding and promoting from within has fostered a high level of loyalty among the staff. 85% of the staff from 1993 is still employed in the business. He has been able to inspire and engage with his tough but lovable approach to management. GRH recognizes the dream of its ambitious chefs by allowing them to open subsidiaries. The company lost  £850,000 when it closed the pengelley restaurant in Londons Knight bridge in 2005. The failure was aggravated when he employed a executive chef from outside GRH. In 2006, the GRHs London Hotel in New York suffered late opening due to delays, it received poor reviews and the head chef had to be replaced. Soon it was transformed and gained two Michlen stars. In 2008, Ramsay opened his first Parisian restaurant, Versailles at the Trianon Palace Hotel but suffered a loss of of  £1.78 million and was soon closed down. Ramsay is the face of the organization without doubt, and his actions in restaurant and televisions have impacted GRH. There has been nothing like Brand Ramsay in the world of cooking before. Ramsays position rest on two bases, the restaurant and as a media person. Tragus The brand value Tragus adopts a strategy of organic growth by opening new restaurants. It also aims at continually improving the existing brands through menu development and more investment into the group. It sees improved profitability through disciplined management and use of technology in its business. Tragus aims at providing more training and development programmes to its people and excellent customer service. It aims at acquiring groups of sites, which can enhance the portfolio. It looks at new opportunities and style of eating. The menu content has been regularly reviewed and has controlled the cost increases through regular retendering of the contracts. The company had adopted a good labour management system that can leverage the efficiencies. A new commercial and marketing structure was implemented in 2010 to improve the marketing activities of the group. The group also focuses on investing in the estate so that the best standards of presentation are meet. They have focused more on the Strada brand to maintain the contemporary image and the best quality of food. The group finds the brands, the pricing points and the value for money offerings as their competitive advantage. The group sees a growth potential for all the three brands Bella Italia, Strata and Cafà © Rouge. Tragus considers its people as the most important ingredient to its success. Tragus considers its corporate social responsibility as a priority. The group in relation with its suppliers tries to reduce the impact on the environment. They have promoted initiatives in mainly three areas -waste and recycling, energy saving, and food and drink. The company tries to find additional ways of recycling. The company has a central distribution center giving a single drop-off point for recyclable material. The trucks, which deliver food and drinks, while returning collect, used cooking oil, plastics and cardboard. The company tries to reduce their dependency on paper by using voice recognition technology. The company is working on a 100% recycling scheme for their restaurants. The company aims at energy saving by reducing the electricity use by 10% in the restaurants. All the Tragus brands run smart meters to view accurate usage of electricity. The company has undertaken multi disciplinary project to review the energy consumption across all the restaurants. The company supplies filtered tap water to all customers at Strada. The company uses Belu, UKs first carbon neutral water. The company also has served the community by working with organizations like Great Ormond street, Marie curie, children in need, etc. The company sees a brand risk through food scarce or a slow decline in a brands appeal to its customers, which can be met through efficient operations. The risk on the brands appeal can be met through continuous menu innovation, marketing campaigns and brand development. The company finds the market to be highly competitive especially in service offering, product quality and price. The marketing teams monitor the market offering and pricing on an ongoing basis. The group undertakes a regular mystery diner visits to all restaurants to ensure that the standards of the menu and customer service are met. There is a rolling renovation programme to all the present estates. Tragus has laid out the following aims as a part of its Brand building Creating a standout differentiation Establishing and delivering a compelling idea Focus and direction A clear proposition Tone of voice Compelling brand levers Defining customer segments Tragus wants its customers to keep dining, repeat business, try new dishes and menu items, trade up, and spread the message to others. Tragus wants to know more about consumers, wants to convert them to customers, Drive brand loyalty, not just voucher loyalty. Tragus believes that Brand development gives conversation rationale, but service execution is all. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the analysis and the market study done for the both the brands of restaurants, the following suggestions can be recommended. Looking to the future the GRHs focus should be survival and selective growth due to the economic slowdown. Both Gordon Ramsay and Tragus groups should focus on the standard of goods supplied by third parties. Any suppliers who do not satisfy the minimum standards should be delisted. Both companies should try to retain the best talent at both restaurant and head office level The organizations should keep a check on the price of key raw materials and wages There should be strong financial and operational review and financial reviews There should be essential funding available for the operational purposes hence essential contracts needs to be maintained. The organizations should be careful about the risk of fraud existing in the misappropriation of assets, including cash banking. This should be mitigated through management structure, regular financial review and extensive use of business reviews. There should be regular financial audits carried out in the organizations There should be continuous monitoring of the marketing, brand strategies and pricing. The groups should regularly review the products and involve the customers in improving the value for money offering me
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Analysis Of Qt Sydney Hotel Marketing Mix Marketing Essay
Analysis Of Qt Sydney Hotel Marketing Mix Marketing Essay Marketing is often thought to be only selling and advertising. However, marketing consists of many other functions that can be seen far more important than just the exchange of goods. (Kotler Amrstrong 2004: 5) The American Marketing Association defines marketing as follows: Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners and society at large. (Middleton et al. 2009: 21) The marketing strategies for the hotel industry are significant and can make an enormous difference between empty rooms and a superlatively booked hotel. The hotel marketing strategy should cover every area of marketing, advertising and its communication from online to direct in person face to face tactics. The business should try identifying its key target market, chalk out a meaningful marketing strategy and where it wants to position itself in the market. QT Sydney Hotel market Like the other hotels, QT Sydney Hotel targets people of sustainable age groups who can easily support themselves. Determining the right and meaningful target market is crucial. When defining a target market of a hotel such as QT Sydney Hotel, we can assume that the categorization can be done in three separate levels. The first level consists of customers who are willing to book a room and also have the resources to book the hotel premises. The second level consists of customers who have the resources to book the room but not necessarily the desire. The third level consists of customers who are not able to buy but if monitored can change their willingness and be able to book the hotel room later According to, the most important target market of the hotel should be professional visitors to the hotel from the following industries: Education, Travel trade and commerce IT industry; Automotive. Local businesses and countless firms can also be targeted for a full day use of facilities in the premises such as conference rooms, room nights for visiting executives and long stay professional guests. Market segmentation and the bases that QT Sydney Hotel uses Market segmentation recognizes that people differ in many ways like in their needs, attitudes and lifestyles. (Middleton et al. 2009: 97) Through market segmentation companies divide their market into smaller segments. All of the segments have specific needs and by dividing the market those needs can be met more efficiently with products and services that match their unique needs. (Kotler 2004: 239) There are many ways the hotel can use to segment its market. Different segmentation variables are used, both individually and in groups as a whole, in order to classify consumers into different segments. According to Kotler, four major variables that are generally used in market segmentation are: geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioral variables. Geographical segmentation divides the market into different geographical units such as cities, regions, countries or climate and population density. By this way when a hotel is deciding in which areas to operate and market, they can direct their efforts to geographical differences in needs and wants of the people of that region. For example Sydney QT Hotel can pay attention to their premises in northern areas where it is colder and have a state of the art centralized heating mechanisms as compared to the hotel premises in the South. (Kotler 2004:239) Demographic segmentation is based on the market divided into groups based on age, gender, family size, income, profession, education, religion, race and nationality. This segmentation is one of the most popular and effective bases for segmenting customer groups for the hotel industry. This is wholly and exclusively because the customer wants are closely interrelated to its dependants such as income and age. (Kotler 2004: 240-241) Based on different variables further such as social class, lifestyle, and individual personality characteristics, psychographic segmentation is ones of its kinds for the hotel industry in which QT Sydney hotel operates. For instance, people may live in the same city, be of the same age but one of them can be a student while the other can be a businessman. This segmentation affects their lifestyles greatly and therefore also has an effect on the buying behaviors and renting rooms of the people. The hotel needs to tailor its strategy according to each different segmentation to yield the utmost benefits for the customers and the hotel itself. Behavioral segmentation categorizes the customers into categories based on their knowledge, attitudes, uses and responses to a product. This category of segmentation particularly has the benefit that are inexplicably linked to the hotel industry itself. When the hotel knows when and why the customers are bookings its premises and its rooms, they can relate their marketing tactics to it. For example some holidays like on Valentines Day or at Christmas people tend to book hotel rooms and halls for exclusive parties and social gatherings, the hotel can benefit maximum from the situation and prepare special offers and communications to its customers. (Kotler 2004: 244) In hospitality industry these same segmentation variables can be used but there is also a wide range of subgroups that for example almost all of the hotels use. Hotels like Sydnet QT Hotel should usually use only one variable when segmenting these subgroups and that is the purpose of travel. By defining the purpose of hotels can classify many subgroups such as corporate/business clients, visitors on group package tours, independent and leisure vacationers. By acknowledging different segments a hotel can target their services more effectively. (Middleton et al. 2009: 97-99) Target Market coverage strategy Relationship marketing can be a unique form of marketing that emphasizes customer retention and their greater satisfaction and their value of money services. It shifts the paradigm focus from the recruitment of new customer to the retention and recovery of existing ones. Relationship marketing differs from other forms of marketing in that it recognizes the long-term value of customer relationships and extends communication. (Middleton et al. 2009: 92) When planning g a relationship marketing strategy hotel QT Sydney must take into account that not all customers want a relationship with the hotel. That is why it must be carefully considered which types of customers are usually more likely to repeat their visit to the hotel. While most hotel websites include Face book, Twitter and LinkedIn follow-us buttons, the ability to engage and convert anonymous visitors into customers is still an elusive goal for many. However, the hotels must try to engage their customers and facilitate them to yield the meaningful results and profits from the marketing strategy. As the hospitality industry is beginning to learn social media and its impact on their return on investment, they are venturing more into adapting to the newer technology and capturing the customers needs. The social media that is integrated in a natural way and is used to communicate with guests during the travel cycle is much more impactful. Another most popular form of relationship marketing is to gather information from the customers about their stay and whether they had any complaints or suggestions for improvement. Internal marketing is also an extension of a marketing strategy that considers the importance of the service of the hotel employees while interacting with customers Better pricing strategy can be another tactic the hotel can use to penetrate in the market and attract more visitors and enhance the loyalty of the existing customer. It can also be linked to overcome the challenge of low customer seasons at the hotel. The daily rate could for example change based on the occupancy of the hotel or there could be a more efficient way of boosting the sales before hand when there are low customer flows coming to the hotel. Section 2 : Analysis of QT Sydney Hotel Marketing Mix The marketing mix is one of the major concepts in modern marketing and is often brought up in general discussions of marketing. Marketing mix is a set of marketing tools that a company uses to pursue its marketing objectives in the target market. (Kotler 2004: 56-57) When a company is making decisions on marketing they generally fall into four controllable categories known as the 4 Ps: product, (variety, quality and services) price, (payment period, discounts) place (location, channels and distribution) and promotion (advertising, marketing and sales) The main idea of marketing is to influence and persuade the consumer to buy and use the companys product or service. In order to get customers to do so a company uses the four Ps as a mixture in order to influence the demand for its products. (Kotler 2004: 56-57) In the hospitality industry just the hotel Sydney operates, the products are primarily designed to satisfy the needs and wants of business and leisure travelers/corporate executives. As part of the marketing mix for a hotel room can be seen as a product that the hotel sells to its customers. Although the hotel rooms can vary in quality or in services they offer and are based on the customers need to have the specific type of room. For example a businessman can have different needs from a hotel room (using a conference hall, meeting rooms , lounge for corporate meetings than a leisure traveler or even a corporate executive. In the hospitality industry the place of business is many times the key to success. A hotels location is important for visitors and therefore they usually examine carefully which hotel and where they choose. The location of the hotel affects the transportation possibilities, how accessible it is for example from the airport or the city center. (Bowie Buttle 2004: 26-27) Pricing decisions can greatly affect the the demand and profitability of the hotel . In a hotel setting such as the Sydney QT for example the hotel occupancy rates and special run time offers and discounts for new and existing key customers are crucial and require a lot of attention and careful consideration. Promotion is usually the function of most marketing and sales departments and it includes all the tools that a company can use to communicate with customers. A hotel can for example use different websites, billboards and social media to advertise their products and services and also use brand identification to their advantage. (Bowie Buttle 2004: 28) Brands help consumers to identify what the product or the company is, for example people relate the Hilton Hotel chain with luxury and good quality. They can link the Sydney QT hotel to the same category or even better as a multi-purpose hotel that caters to all of its market That helps the Sydney QT hotel when they are planning their marketing strategy. (Bowie Buttle 2004: 208)
Monday, August 19, 2019
Personal Narrative - A Journey :: Personal Narrative Writing
A Journey I am by myself wearing my blue jeans and an old flannel shirt. It is cool outside but I decided to leave my gloves at home, feeling comfortable with my warm shirt and my sturdy boots. It is just me and the woods. I take nothing with me when I leave, because I know that I won't be gone too long. It is early fall so it is cool outside but not cold. I am back on teh east coast walking through the woods of the Appalachins. The leaves have begun turning colors so there is a beautiful aray of oranges, yellows, greens, and reds. The red colors of the leaves remind me of the maple trees that used to be outside of my house. I remember looking at the red leaves on those trees the evening of our homecoming football game when Paul came over. The floor of the forest is damp but not muddy. There are moss covered stones that litter the path I am walking. Some of them are loose, and others are firmly embedded in the ground. For the most part they are the rocks that you have to watch out for when your are running a cross-country race so that you do not sprain your ankle. They are the type of rocks that are annoying at picnics and camp fires because they are not big enough to sit on and too big to move. I keep walking because I know that ahead of me is a small stream where I can quietly sit and listen to the water. It is small enough that some rocks portrude above the water and I could walk across if I wanted to. As I walk towards the stream I see a bottle that is empty and crushed. At one point it had been a bottle filled with mineral water for someone who had been hiking through the woods on a health trip. When I see it I don't stop to pick it up, but I make a mental note of its locations so I can grab it on my way back. Once I reach the stream I sit on a rock and watch the water tumble over and around the stones in the creek bed. As I sit there a deer appears on the other side of the stream. Not a buck, but just a standard doe.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Compare the script of An Inspector Calls to the filmed version :: English Literature
Compare the script of An Inspector Calls to the filmed version Compare the script of 'An Inspector Calls' to the filmed version The play 'An Inspector Calls' was written to give an important message, one of which will be revealed later. It was written by a successful author John Boynton Priestley (J.B. Priestley). J.B. Priestley wrote plays, novels, articles, broadcasts and films. His playwright, novelist, dramatist and critic skills brought him to be known all around the world. He was born in Bradford in 1894 and died at the well-established age of 90 (1984). He wrote a total of forty-nine plays though out his life. At the age of sixteen he was writing pieces for Bradford newspapers. He also served with the Devonshire regiment during World War 1. Afterwards he received a government grant, which allowed him to start at the Trinity Hall, Cambridge University. After this he finished his degree and paid of his grant by writing and moved to London to work as a reviewer and critic and start off his career in the literary profession. This start to his career set him up for a very prosperous future. The play 'An Inspector Calls' was written when J.B. Priestley was middle aged in 1944-45 in the winter, during the end of World War 2. He had lived through the pains of both world wars and he had survived. The play was set in1912 because it was before people were aware of the tragedy and horror of the First World War. They thought that nothing was going or could go wrong and peace was to be for all. Also because of the Titanic's sinking, which had little relevance to the play but could prove his characters arrogance and their unbelievable sureness to be wrong, when they say that the Titanic is 'Absolutely unsinkable'. Also when a character mentions that 'fire and blood and anguish' is to come, the Birling family shrug it off and act arrogant to the fact that not everything is as well as it seems and that this is a warning to them if they bother to listen. The basis of the play is a fact that J.B. Priestly uses in all his works, that what one person does, doesn't just affect that person it affects everyone around them too, this is J.B.P's main concern. Which is what the Birling family stands to learn when they learn their lesson with the disaster of Eva Smith. As well the time in which the play is set will show that the following war will also show this point, as what the countries leaders do effects the whole country and the world.
Philosophy Educating Humanity? :: Philosophy Philosophical Papers
Philosophy Educating Humanity? ABSTRACT: Over two millennia of Western philosophy has not yet contributed much to the education of humanity. Philosophy has almost always been the exclusive domain of a small group of men. This elite character makes the assumption that philosophy could contribute to the education of human beings towards humanity  a humanity of human rights  improbable. If we want to educate human beings towards humanity, we will first have to teach them a sense of responsibility. The power of persuasion needed in order to teach such a sense of responsibility requires that we demonstrate our involvement in and co-responsibility for their concrete problems by presenting clear analyses of these problems and by setting a good example wherever possible. One of the most universal and concrete problems of life is the issue of procreation. As regards this issue, however, philosophers have failed miserably: they themselves have often exhibited irresponsible procreation and have, in fact, only recently begun to consider the issue a subject for philosophy. I will try to analyze when a decision to procreate or abort may be called responsible and whether and to what extent the applications of modern techniques such as in vitro fertilization are in line with our views of human rights. Two and a half thousand years of Western philosophy have not yet contributed much to the education of humanity. Philosophy has always been the almost exclusive domain of a small group of men, conversing in esoteric language on the most abstract of subjects, without being much concerned about the needs of the ordinary people around them. This elitism undermines the assumption that philosophy could contribute to the education of humanity as a whole, and it makes the assumption that it could contribute to the education of human beings towards humanity  a humanity of human rights  entirely improbable. If we want to educate human beings towards humanity we will first have to teach them a sense of responsibility: the awareness that each is responsible for his or her own actions and the consequences which can be expected to ensue, together with the awareness that a person’s rights and freedoms may not encroach upon the corresponding rights and freedoms of another. The power of persuasion needed in order to teach such a sense of responsibility requires that we demonstrate our involvement in and co-responsibility for their concrete problems, by presenting clear analyses of these problems and by setting a good example wherever possible.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Role of Student in Making of Pakistan
Pakistan  an ideological state: Pakistan claims itself to lay an ideological state because it is founded on a certain specific ideology-the ideology of Islam. It came into being because Muslims of the Indo-Pak subcontinent developed a specific attitude of mind-and attitude which was determined by the consciousness of certain principles or objectives which they felt must be realized. These were the eternal spiritual and ethical values of Islam. Islam gives ethical bases of life to the Muslim nation. To them Islam is more than a religion as considered in the western sense.It is in fact a complete code of life which embraces social, political, economic and cultural aspects of human behaviors. Ideology of Pakistan: The ideology of Pakistan, the overwhelming Muslim country is ideology which comprises the dictates and sanctions which are attributed or prone to the Islamic concept of nation and that of state. i) Muslim nationhood: As regards the Muslims, their basis of nationhood is neither geographical boundaries nor social or linguistic similarities but their religion-Islam. All Muslims are a nation without any distinction.This is the first principle of Pakistan ideology on which Quaid-i-Azam demanded a separate homeland for the Muslims of the subcontinent. To Pakistan, Islam is the basis of ‘Nationalism’. II) Islamic state: The ideology of Pakistan is based on the principles and ideals of Islam. Islam is the ideal for which Muslims struggled and on which the ideals on the newly born nation were based. III) Ancient ideology: Ideology of Pakistan- the Islamic way of life is not something life a manifesto that Pakistanis adopted in the morrows of their freedom. On the country, it is as old as Islam itself.Indeed Indo-Pakistani Muslim emerged as a new nation because they had stood fast to this ideology. They founded a new state because they had described to enthrone the values underlying this ideology without being checked by the domination of othe r conflicting values. It has been sufficiently warranted by the historical facts that not withstanding a thousand years of co-existence of the two communities-the Hindus and the Muslims, in the Indian subcontinent, they could not become harmonic, cohesive, was the expediency which was based on regionality.But this regionality could not become effective since the Muslim community is totally different from the Hindu society having its own moods and methods, names and nomenclature legends and heroes, language and literature, this concept of co-existence between them even at the regional levels could not prove a success. Thus they started their struggle for a separate homeland on the basis of Islamic ideology.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Reflection On End Of Life Care Essay
Experience Whilst working on a morning shift I was asked if I would assist with washing and making a patient comfortable. She was an elderly lady with advanced inoperable cancer, subsequently on an end of life pathway receiving palliative care. The World of Health Organisation (WHO) defines palliative care as: â€Å"The active total care of patients whose disease no longer responds to curative treatment. Control of pain, of other symptoms, and of psychological, social and spiritual problems is paramount. The goal of palliative care is achievement of the best quality of life for patients and their families†Towards the end she could not communicate, only making short groans if she was in pain when we moved her. She was given a bed bath, change of sheets and a clean nightie. Throughout the nurses helped protect her dignity by keeping the door and curtains closed and keeping the patient covered as much as possible. The nursing staff continually spoke to her and reassured her, whilst I held her hand. The patient died a few days later with dignity and respect and peacefully with her friends by her side. I was involved in the last rites. Reaction I felt quite self-conscious when standing by the bedside. I did not know how conscious the patient was of the situation around her. It was obviously important to talk to her but initially I found it difficult to know what to say and was conscious of others listening to me and wondered if I was saying or doing the right things. The nurse present was very concerned she may die whilst we were washing her as he recognised Cheyne-Stokes breathing. I had never seen anyone this way before. I felt more upset seeing her deteriorate than I did when she died purely because I felt she was now free of the discomfort. Analysis The care plan for the last days of life had been met. The patient’s psychological, social and spiritual needs had been addressed, and the patient was comfortable and free from pain (Kemp 1999). The care that was carried out protected the patients’ dignity and respected her as a human being. I found it very rewarding to be part of the team that helped this patient, in her last days of life, die with the dignity and respect she deserved. Everything that could be done for the patient was done in a very professional, but also a very caring manner. The NMC guides us to: â€Å"Make the care of people your first concern, treating them as individuals and respect their dignity†. I feel that we had achieved this for the patient. If I find myself in this situation again I would be confident enough to implement palliative care in a professional caring manner, which hopefully will mature with personal experience and by observing other nurses. I would talk to the patient wh ether or not they were conscious and also aim to provide support for the family.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Appearance vs. Reality †Comparative Essay Essay
It is all about Looking Good: A Comparison between The Role of Appearance vs. Reality In Macbeth and Frankenstein. Macbeth is one of the works of playwright William Shakespeare and it is considered one of his most powerful tragedies. It tells the story of a good warrior, Macbeth, who turns bad because of ambition and greed. It is a classic tale of biting more than one can chew. A few centuries later, an author named Mary Shelley wrote a gothic novel, Frankenstein, about a young scientist named Victor Frankenstein who creates a being and abandons it. The creature tries to be accepted by both society and his creator. Although these two texts are of different genres and eras, with Shakespeare’s play showing strong themes of ambition and corruption and Shelley’s novel showing themes of justice, madness and the sublime, both authors use the theme of appearance vs. reality. They use this to show how human judgment is based solely on appearances, how an individual can chang e because of this judgment and how appearance plays a role in determining one’s place in society. It is human nature to judge others on their outward looks. People depend mostly on their visual senses as the strongest point of judgment. For example, in the play Macbeth, Macbeth and his wife deceive the king with their actions and words to make him feel welcome while they are actually planning his murder. (Macbeth I. v). They know that people judge on appearance and decide to use it to their advantage. They act how they want people to see them, as loyal subjects of the king as opposed to deceitful, cunning and ambitious people which was what they really were. As said by Lady Macbeth, â€Å"to [deceive] the time, look like the time.†(Macbeth I. v.70-71). As vision is the primary sense of man, the basis of human judgment is the shape, colour or texture of the overall outward appearance. This determines if something is good or bad. In Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein’s creation had yellow skin, watery eyes and straight black lips. He was not what was considered beautiful (Shelley, 58). The creature looked ugly and vile, and ugly and vile is not considered good so it was judged as bad. Eventually, appearance catches up with reality and an individual could change or become what others think they are because of how they look. The judgment dished out by people can be harmful to both the individual being judged and the ones doing the judging. It can lead to one building up different feelings inside of them. In Macbeth’s case, it led to overconfidence. He started out good; he was a brave and loyal warrior for his country (Macbeth I. ii.30-45). Then he committed a murder to satisfy his ambition to become king (II. ii) and he got away with it because no one could guess from the way he acts the bad intentions he has or the crime he has committed. He goes on killing and still no can tell because everyone keeps judging based on what they see on the outside. Macbeth reaches a point where he decides to let â€Å"the very firstlings of [his] heart be the very firstlings of [his] hand†(IV. i.161-162). By this time, Macbeth has turned into a tyrant and this is harmful to both him and the people of Scotland. Likewise, the judgment dished out for Frankenstein’s creation had a detrimental effect. He was initially compassionate and thoughtful until his naà ¯ve view of humans was destroyed by the unjust cruelty he faced (â€Å"Frankenstein- The Theme of Appearance.†1). The creature was good but was never given the chance to so much as speak before he was turned away because of the way he looked (Shelley, 108). Eventually, he becomes threatening and malicious because of the hurtful treatment he had to bear (Shelley 148). Wrong judgment can have an effect, as shown in both Macbeth and the creature’s situation. The one difference is that Macbeth was already ambitious but got worse while in the creature’s case, he completely turned around and went from good to bad. In both cases, each individual’s place in society was affected. People are ranked into categories in society. It creates a social hierarchy where everyone knows their place and who they should associate with. There are ways to determine this and appearance plays a role. For example, if there was no predetermined idea of how good things should look and instead morals, intelligence and compassion was emphasized more than one’s outward appearance, Frankenstein’s creature would never have suffered isolation because of his unattractiveness (â€Å"Frankenstein- The Theme of Appearance.†1). His place in society is at the very bottom because he has no one else who is willing to be associated with him and no one else who is like him. In Macbeth’s case, he was aiming for the highest rank; Kingship. In his time, a king is considered closest to God and therefore the highest position in social hierarchy. Macbeth kills the king to become king and because no one judged him as capable of committing such an act, but instead judged him on how he appeared to be a loyal subject of the king, he attained the highest position in society. The theme of things not always being as they should be has been used throughout the history of literature. This is shown by Shakespeare and Shelley who wrote in completely different contexts and centuries. They show how judging based on appearances can have an effect on the individual, how the visual sense is man’s strongest sense so judgment is instinctively based on appearances and how the way one looks puts them in their place in society. The prejudice of looking good meaning being good and looking bad meaning being bad has been around for a while and will probably be around for as long as humans are able to see. Works Cited. â€Å"Frankenstein – Theme of Appearance.†1999. Web. 10 Jan. 2013. Shakespeare, William. Macbeth. 2nd ed. Ken Roy. Toronto: Nelson, 2001. Print. Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein. 1818. New York: Penguin, 1992. Print.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
People Resourcing and Rewards
There are a number of different ways in which psychometric testing can be used by employers in the recruitment process. The importance attached to the recruitment process by employers as well as employees make it extremely important for reliable measures to be put in place to ensure that the recruitment process and therefore the employment process brings forth the best of employees to a company. It is a crucial stage in starting because the kind of employees employed in an organization goes along way to determine the kind of workforce the organization the will have. Psychometric testing refers to a method which is used by employees to select the most suitable applicants to fill existing vacancies. Psychometric tests have been discredited due to the fact that, information gathered from them is not generalizable and therefore they cannot be relied upon in making selections for particular kinds of jobs. Another demerit associated with psychometric tests is that, they are more useful for top positions requiring high skills such as those involving graduates as well as highly qualified candidate. While this is an advantage to the employers seeking to fill vacancies for highly qualified staff. It is however challenging to apply the tests when recruiting for manual vacancies . High costs associated with the psychometric tests have been pointed out as a major impediment to the usability of the psychometric tests. Employers invest quite a large amount of money in order to secure and use psychometric tests. The direct costs involved in the tests include the training that has to be offered to the staff of the company requiring using the tests for recruitment since these are to administer the tests during actual interviews. The other cost involved in the test is that of the annual fees required for employers or companies which would want to use the tests. This is a demerit in that; companies have to invest heavily on the tests. To obtain and use the tests, employers are not only required to subscribe yearly something which can really strain a company’s income. Merits associated with the tests include the fact that, the tests are very objective . Objectivity is a crucial quality for any interview and therefore the fact that, these tests offers that advantage makes them very attractive and suitable for employees. Since subjects may jeopardize any chances of recruiting the best applicants, the objectivity associated with this method makes it very attractive to employers. Usually the common interview methods which traditionally have been used by recruiters have been known to be prone to subjectivity. Therefore objectivity associated with the psychometric tests is seen as a plus by the employers. Reliability is another merit associated with the test. According (EIRR, 2000p. 8-88), psychometric tests are more likely to filter out all unsuitable and unwanted applicants at early stages of the interviews thus saving the employers time and money. This is especially necessary in this era whereby un reputable schools have come up and also the underworld supplies quite a big percentage of fake certificates in circulation today. A good percentage of the fake certificates go unnoticed and undetected. In light of the above challenges, psychometric tests have become the better option for employers in detect ing dishonest applicants. The increasingly common fight for employment as well as gender mainstreaming in the labor market has effectively resulted in a more unbiased ways of recruitment and selection. This coupled with other factors have warranted a more sober approach to the recruitment process. The fact that many states have come up with legislation requiring equal job opportunities for all and without any form of discrimination has further served to ensure that, organizations go for psychometric testing during the staffing process (EIRR, 2000p. 0-90), cites a more professional human resource body as also a factor which can be linked to the increasingly popularity of the psychometric testing. Another merit of psychometric testing is that, they are very good in predicting cognitive ability of candidates something which is very useful for managerial jobs as well as high skilled jobs. Since the psychometric tests measure abilities as well as personal traits and personal attributes of people this makes them ve ry useful when hiring for highly competitive vacancies which attract applicants form well qualified professionals. Psychometric tests are also useful in that they assist employees to land jobs which suit their personalities and therefore are more likely to offer happiness to both employees and employers. This according to (EIRR, 2000p. 80-100), is useful in ensuring that employees perform to their peak hence contributing positively to their organizational growth. Psychometric tests also help employees not to pursue unsuitable careers in which their chances of succeeding in such are limited. Therefore psychometric tests offer employees an opportunity to carry out a self assessment and therefore plan better their career paths. Although the tests are not 100 % reliable they are useful in making sure that, an employee does not recruit employees whore are likely to end up quitting the job after being hired. Finally, psychometric test are useful in preparations to switch careers since such a step can make or break ones career path. Psychometric tests comes in hand to make sure that, people do not miss out on opportunities neither do they waste out of opportunities in pursuit of careers which do not suit them in the first place.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Letter and Memo paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Letter and Memo paper - Assignment Example Media print, while still a viable and relevant source, cannot keep up with the pace of this world. Keefe's cartoon doesn't only criticize the congressman's glib remarks, but also calls for bloggers to be responsible for the information they are presenting. As a student and aspiring writer, I am all too aware of the importance of sources and presenting the correct information. The death of the Rocky Mountain News also signifies the dawning of an era that may run rampant with incorrect information and stolen material. Keefe's cartoon emphasizes the importance in maintaining journalistic standards as we move away from print media. The congressman was a bit over zealous in his congratulations for the takeover and should have also taken the opportunity to warn bloggers and citizen journalists about checking their sources and giving credit where it is due. Keefe did an excellent job of scolding Congressman Polis' thoughtless remarks while still calling attention to the larger problem at hand. As you have requested, I have outlined the purpose of my letter to the editor at the Denver Post. I took into account the audience that I will be addressing and the important factors that shape my letter.
Monday, August 12, 2019
Diversity in the Workplace Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Diversity in the Workplace - Research Paper Example Examples of such high power distances are found in countries like Spain, South America, Italy, Africa, Mexico and the European countries having a predominantly Latin population. The relationships between individuals working in the same organization are known as individualism – collectivism. According to Hofstede, a rich and developed nation gives more emphasis to the individual manner of its people and a poor and underdeveloped nation believes in dwelling in a collective manner. The third reference found by Hofstede, is that of the prejudices made on the criterion of genders. He explains this as the emphasis provided by a particular culture on gender equality and terms it as masculineness – womanhood. A male dominated society has clearly demarcated roles of woman and man. Such cultures are seen in countries like Italy, Greece, Venezuela, Switzerland and Japan. This is not the case in cultures which are predominantly feminine in nature. Here such roles can be interchange d and there exists greater equality and integration between both sexes. Such cultures are dominant in countries like Finland, Denmark, Netherlands and Sweden (Hofstede, 1996). The fear of the unknown is termed by Hofstede as the control of the incertitude. This fear is far more dominant in cultures which has a greater need for planning, order and security and can be viewed in countries like Greece, Japan, France, Belgium and Portugal. The fear of the unknown is far less in developed nations like United Kingdom, Sweden, United States of America and Denmark. Depending on the constraints of time which can be further divided into long and short, the factor of Confucianism – dynamism has been provided by Hosstede (Lynch, 2002). The societies which are the forbearers of Confucianism, advocate...International Business Machines or IBM displays a diverse and talented manpower. Getting the full advantage out of diversity is one of the primary aims of this multinational firm as it belie ves that diversity leads to obtaining competitive edge over rivals. One of the main functions of this organization’s focus on diversity in workforce is its promise to provide the same opportunities to all individuals (IBM, 2012). By IBM terms, diversity means that individual discrepancies are expected, encouraged and revered so that every personnel in order to enhance productivity, achievement and innovation. The main goal of this organization is to form and preserve a culture which makes personnel valued and welcomed to this firm by maximizing the best use of varied talents and make IBM as the organization of choice to its customers and workforce. Currently IBM is focusing on the below mentioned diverse networking clusters. a) Disabled people – This is an association of disabled personnel and has strong links with the wider groups and is one of the most active clusters in IBM. b) Flexibility – This is another set up which actively finds personnel open to job sharing, part time or other supple working choices. c) Women in technology – Another association aiming to encourage and bear the development, growth, recognition and advancement of IBM’s current female workforce in the technical area. d) In order to emphasize multiculturalism, IBM has especially come out with a cultural diversity group.
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